Refereed Journal Publications:
[33] Urbano, D., Aparicio, S., Muñoz-Mora, J. C., & Martinez-Moya, D. (2025). The spatial interplay between productive and destructive entrepreneurship: Do institutions meet expectations in rural areas? Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 37(3-4), 350-374. Accepted Manuscript.
[32] Colson, M., Vandekerkhof, P., Marneffe, W., Schepers, J., & Aparicio, S. (2025). Moving beyond the negative effect of the regulation of entry: disentangling causality in new venture creation decisions. Journal of Regulatory Economics, 67(1-3), 61-90.
[31] Rodriguez-Vahos, A., Aparicio, S., & Urbano, D. (2025). Business Acceleration Program as City Sowers: Assessing Public Funding's Impact on New Ventures in an Emerging Economy. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 17(7), 97-126. Accepted Manuscript.
[30] Audretsch, D. B., Aparicio, S., Hughes, M., & Urbano, D. (2025). Linking entrepreneurship and society: solutions for today and tomorrow. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. In press, doi: Accepted Manuscript.
[29] Aparicio, S., Klofsten, M., Noguera, M., & Urbano, D. (2024). Institutions, social entrepreneurship, and individual economic well-being: an exploratory study. Management Research, 22(4), 510-510. Doi: 10.1108/MRJIAM-10-2023-1472.
[28] Epure, M., Martin-Sanchez, V., Aparicio, S., & Urbano, D. (2024). Human Capital, Institutions, and Ambitious Entrepreneurship During Good Times and Two Crises. Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 18(2), 414-447. Doi: 10.1002/sej.1492. Accepted Manuscript.
[27] Urbano, D., Aparicio, S., Scott, S., & Martinez-Moya, D. (2024). Inside out: The interplay between institutions and digital technologies for SMEs performance. Entrepreneurship & Regional Development, 36(1-2), 162-181. Accepted Manuscript.
[26] Aparicio, S., Hughes, M., Audretsch, D., & Urbano, D. (2023). Incentivizing knowledge institutions for entrepreneurship and society. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research. In press, doi:
[25] Aparicio, S. & Montero, J. (2023). Selection of partners and the outcome of entrepreneurial teams: Should everything stay in the family? Bulletin of Economic Studies (Boletín de Estudios Económicos), 78(234), 93-114. In Spanish
[24] Aparicio, S., Audretsch, D., & Urbano, D. (2022). Governmental Support for Entrepreneurship in Spain: An Institutional Approach. Review of Public Economics/Hacienda Pública Española, 243(4), 29-49.
[23] Muñoz-Mora, J. C., Aparicio,S., Martinez-Moya, D., & Urbano, D. (2022). From immigrants to local entrepreneurs: Understanding the effects of migration on entrepreneurship in a highly informal country. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 28(9), 78-103.
[22] Aparicio. S., Audretsch, D., Noguera, M., & Urbano, D. (2022). Can female entrepreneurs boost social mobility in developing countries? An institutional analysis. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 175, 121401.
[21] Plata, G., Aparicio, S., & Scott, S. (2021). The sum of its parts: Examining the institutional effects on entrepreneurial nodes in extensive innovation ecosystems. Industrial Marketing Management, 99, 136-152. Accepted Manuscript.
[20] Aparicio, S., Audretsch, D., & Urbano, D. (2021). Does entrepreneurship matter for inclusive growth? The role of social progress orientation. Entrepreneurship Research Journal 11(4), 20190308. Accepted Manuscript.
[19] Alwakid, W., Aparicio, S., & Urbano, D. (2021). The Influence of Green Entrepreneurship on Sustainable Development in Saudi Arabia: The Role of Formal Institutions. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), 5433.
[18] Urbano, D., Felix, C., & Aparicio, S. (2021). Informal institutions and leadership behavior in a developing country: A comparison between rural and urban areas. Journal of Business Research, 132, 544-556. Accepted Manuscript.
[17] Aparicio, S., Urbano, D., & Stenholm, P. (2021). Attracting the Entrepreneurial Potential: A Multilevel Institutional Approach. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 168, 120748.
[16] Aparicio, S., Audretsch, D., & Urbano, D. (2021). Why is export-oriented entrepreneurship more prevalent in some countries than others? Contextual antecedents and economic consequences. Journal of World Business, 56(3), 101177. Accepted Manuscript.
[15] Aparicio, S., Turro, A., & Noguera, M. (2020). Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship in Social, Sustainable, and Economic Development: Opportunities and Challenges for Future Research. Sustainability, 12(21), 8958.
[11] Urbano, D., Aparicio, S., & Audretsch, D. (2019). Twenty-five years of research on institutions, entrepreneurship, and economic growth: What has been learned? Small Business Economics, 53(1), 21-49. Accepted Manuscript.
[10] Aparicio, S., Urbano, D., Audretsch, D., & Noguera, M. (2019). Female and male entrepreneurship during the economic crisis: An institutional tale of European countries. World Economy Review (Revista de Economía Mundial), 51, 163-184.
[7] Urbano, D., Aparicio, S., Guerrero, M., Noguera, M., & Torrent-Sellens, J. (2017). Institutional determinants of student employer entrepreneurs at Catalan universities. Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 123, 271-282. Accepted Manuscript.
[6] Gomez, D., Aparicio, S., & Urbano, D. (2023). Driving Complexity in Economic Development: The Role of Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Cham: Palgrave Macmillan.
[5] Aparicio, S., Turro, A., & Noguera, M. (Eds.) (2021). Entrepreneurship and Intrapreneurship in Social, Sustainable, and Economic Development. Basel: Switzerland, MDPI Books.
Book Chapters:
[10] Urbano D., Turro A., & Aparicio S. (2021) Antecedents and Consequences of Innovation via R&D in Europe. In: Guerrero M. & Urbano D. (eds), Technology Transfer and Entrepreneurial Innovations. International Studies in Entrepreneurship, vol 51. Springer, Cham.
[9] Alwakid, W., Aparicio, S., & Urbano, D. (2021). Governmental Supportive Policies for Green Entrepreneurial Activity in Saudi Arabia: An Institutional Analysis. In: Faghih, N. & Samadi, A. H. (Eds.), Legal-Economic Institutions, Entrepreneurship, and Management: Perspectives on the Dynamics of Institutional Change from Emerging Markets. Cham, Springer. Accepted Manuscript.
[8] Aparicio, S., Turro, A., Noguera, M., & Urbano, D. (2021). From entrepreneurial intentions to entrepreneurial behavior: The role of institutional factors. In: Saiz-Álvarez, J. M., Olalla-Caballero, B. (Eds.), Quality Management for Competitive Advantage in Global Markets (pp. 110-135). Hershey: IGI Global. Accepted Manuscript.
[7] Aparicio, S. (2020). Bring your background up and keep the context in mind to choose the right conversation. In: Welter, F. & Urbano, D. (Eds.), How to Make your Doctoral Research Relevant. Insights and Strategies for the Modern Research Environment (pp. 11-12). London: Edward Elgar.
[6] Felix, C., Aparicio, S., & Urbano, D. (2020). Entrepreneurial leadership across countries: The role of informal institutions. In: Saiz-Álvarez, J. M., Leitão, J., & Palma-Ruiz, J. M. (Eds.), Entrepreneurship and Family Business Vitality. Surviving and Flourishing in the Long Term (pp. 67-83). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing. Accepted Manuscript.
[5] Urbano, D., & Aparicio, S. (2019). An Overview of the Economics of Entrepreneurship and Small Business: The Legacy of David Audretsch. In: Lehmann, E. E., & Keilbach, M. (Eds.), From Industrial Organization to Entrepreneurship. A Tribute to David B. Audretsch (pp. 279-306). Switzerland: Springer International Publishing.
[8] Aparicio, S., Urbano, D., & Stenholm, P. (2019). Institutions in Attracting the Entrepreneurial Potential: A Multilevel Approach. Academy of Management Proceedings, 15408. Doi:
Non-Refereed Publications (Transfer Activities):
[11] Epure, M., Martin-Sanchez, V., Aparicio, S., & Urbano, D. (2024). How Do Human Capital And Pro-Market Institutions Shape Ambitious Entrepreneurship In Good And Crisis Times? Strategic Management Explorer.
[10] Aparicio, S. (2020). The power of entrepreneurship. Impact Maganize No. 8, pp. 10-12, Durham University, UK.
[9] Aparicio, S. (2020). Can innovative entrepreneurs within firms help overcome the valley of death? Impact Magazine No. 7, pp. 20-21, Durham University, UK.
[8] Aparicio, S. (2019). Leadership and Entrepreneurship in a Turbulent World. Impact Magazine No. 5, pp. 6-7, Durham University, UK.
Policy Reports:
[1] Gómez, D., Giraldo, J., Aparicio, S., Ramírez, C. & Petro, M. (2010). Child Labour: School attendance versus children and youth employment in the main cities of Colombia. Road to poverty?. Bogotá D. C.: Fundación Telefónica. In Spanish.
Other Publications: