Projects and consulting:
"Institutional and organizational determinants of international entrepreneurship in a digital and sustainable context". PID2022-141777NB-I00. Funded by Ministerio Español de Ciencia e Innovación. Funding: 84,600 Euros. Principal Researchers: D. Urbano, 2023-2027
"HEI Capacity Building Initiative: Boosting Innovation and Entrepreneurship through European Universities". 21585-A2115. Founded by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology and the European Union. Funding: 1,200,000 Euros. Project partners: University of Trento –project lead; Trentino Innovation Hub – Foundation; Link¨oping University; University of Stavanger; Kaunas University of Technology; and National Institute of Applied Sciences of Toulouse. Principal Researcher at UAB: A. Turro. 2021-2023
"Developing an International Entrepreneurship Behaviour on Brazilian new ventures and SMEs". Funded by SIMECS (Brazil) and Durham University ESRC Impact Acceleration (UK). Funding: £19,000. Research Team: Jorge Lengler, Sebastian Aparicio, Roberta Aguzzoli, Carlos Sousa. 2020-2021.
"Dynamic capabilities and institutions as determinants of international entrepreneurship". Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ECO2017-87885-P, Principal Researchers: D. Urbano. Funded by the Spanish Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness. 2018-2021.
"Historical roots of conflict and development: From the prehistory to the colonization experience". Universitat Pompeu Fabra, EC-H2020-HISTROOTS, Principal Researcher: M. Reynal. Funded by The European Commission. 2016 -2017.
“Determining factors of international entrepreneurship: institutions, organizational capabilities, and networks". Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, ECO2013-44027-P, Principal Researchers: D. Urbano. Funded by Spanish Ministry of Economy & Competitiveness. 2014 -2017.
"Monitoring and analyzing of EPM's Financing Program for Small firms. Funded by Empresas Públicas de Medellin". 2013-2014.
"Updating legal and economic impact of 'labor collective convention' of Empopasto S.A. E.S.P and its workers union". Funded by Empopasto S.A. E.S.P. 2013.
"Reviewing and restructuring descriptive statistics on a report entitled 'intellectual properties on Colombian universities and enterprises 2010-2011'". Funded by Corporacion Tecnnova. 2013.
“Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) Antioquia Annual Report 2012”. Funded by Gobernación de Antioquia. 2012.
“Restructuring and updating of development´s social management model for Antioquia”. Funded by Cámara de Comercio de Medellín para Antioquia. 2012.
“Intragroup analysis of child labor in Colombia: a pilot qualitative and quantitative exercise”. Funded by Fundación Telefónica. 2012.
“Determinants of a set of Intellectual Property Indicators (IPI)”. Funded by Corporación Tecnnova. 2012.
“Dynamic Model with Modular structure of the Colombian Economy under System Dynamics and Geographic Information Interface”. Funded by Colciencias. 2011-2012.
“Dynamic simulation models for decision making in the business of energy, water and telecommunications”. Funded by Empresas Públicas de Medellín. 2009-2011.
“Analysis and dynamic simulation of industry clusters in Medellin-Colombia”. Funded by Cámara de Comercio de Medellín para Antioquia. 2010-2011.
“Child Labour: School attendance versus children and youth employment in the main cities of Colombia. Is it a road to poverty?” Funded by Fundación Telefónica. 2010.
“Metropolitan Competitiveness”. Funded by Área Metropolitana y Cámara de Comercio de Medellín para Antioquia. 2010.
“Impact on capital formation of social interests”. Funded by Empresas Públicas de Medellín. 2008. “Updated, adjustment and modification of micro-world for policy planning for social intervention in the Medellin neighborhoods as a tool to support the formulation of the development plan 20082011. An application of systemic economics' models based on system dynamics”. Funded by Municipio de Medellín. 2008.
“A general model of the Colombian economy and 15 productive sectors: An application of systemic economics' models based on system dynamics”. Funded by Compañía Suramericana de Seguros. 2008.