
"¿Profesor? ¿Cómo que profesor? Yo no soy maestro de nada, muchacho. Si quieres llamarme algo honroso, denomíname <<filósofo>>. Ya sabes que los filósofos nos dedicamos a la Filosofía, una hermosa palabra griega que quiere decir <<amor a Sofía>> o sea amor a la sabiduría." El gran laberinto, Fernando Savater... To my daughter, Sofi

New Venture Creation (UAB –Economics and Business)

Family Firms (UAB –Economics and Business)

Organization in SMEs (UAB –Labor Relations)

Entrepreneurship and Innovation (UAB –Tourism and Hotel Management)

How to build up a Canvas

Undergrad and Master final projects (UAB)

Networking for SMEs, Master MAREB (UAB)

Entrepreneurship, Master MUDOTE (UAB)

Entrepreneurship, Master MUGEH (UAB)

Entrepreneurship, Graduate Diploma in Ecotourism and Nature-Guide (UAB)


Previous modules:

  • Human Resources (UAB)
  • The Entrepreneurs Environment (DUBS)
  • New Venture Creation (DUBS)
  • Small Business Management (DUBS)
  • Principles of Entrepreneurship: Institutional context and entrepreneurial activity, Master (U Seville)
  • Entrepreneurship (UCCManresa)
  • Principles of Economics (U. EAFIT)
  • General Microeconomics (U. EAFIT)
  • Science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship (U. de M.)